Archive for tornadoes

A slight retraction

Perhaps I was a bit hasty and stressed when I posted Liar, Liar.  For the record I was not just ticked at PHX (Precision Hail X-Perts).  I was ticked at the world.

You go through a tornado, you drop off your car, your life kinda goes slightly down the tube, you find out at almost 32 years old that your kidneys are getting worse, and not to mention just how stressful life in bankruptcy law can be (but I love it).  Did I mention I have a new waterfall in my living room? Oh, and that I’m on steroids and a bit depressed?

Yeah….I’ve had a week.

One of the guys at PHX just sent me a picture of my car and they did a GREAT job.  I pick it up tomorrow at 11.  They are super slammed and the communication was a little off (but we are all like that sometimes).

So if any one from PHX happens to read this (which is possible) thank you for doing a wonderful job and going above and beyond to make the entire transition easier for me.  I wasn’t the nicest person to work with.  Generally I am sarcastic, edgy, witty, and a bit dry humored…but I’m not always such a witch.  Some of us have mutual friends who can vouch for that. 

You have my most sincere (steroid filled) apology for my earlier vent post.


The Crazy Buick Rendevouz Lady

Liar Liar…

What’s the old saying?? Liar, liar…pants on fire?

I’d love for someone at Precision Hail X-Perts to tell me who is going to fill up the rental death trap again because guess what? It’s not going to be me.

Now granted, this is not geared toward the guy I spoke with in person tonight. I did not catch his name, but he is definitely giving it the ole college try to straighten things out.

Friday I was told by an employee that forgot about me Tuesday at the rental car place that my car would be ready Monday. Monday I was told Tuesday. I said fine, but I have appointments so we will have to work around those. I was told no problem.

By five in the evening I still hadn’t heard so I called the guy I’ve dealt with. I was told it was ready so I drove almost 40 minutes to get to the facility.

First…they can’t FIND my car. I wasn’t really concerned because the lot was full of damaged cars. The guy I dealt with tonight (again…not the one I’ve dealt with in the past and I am convinced this was the owner) said it might be on their other lot and asked me to wait by the office while he went to look. No problem. I actually appreciated not walking around.

He came back. Without my car. He gave me back the keys to the rental and asked me who I spoke with that told me the car was ready. I told him. Well apparently it won’t be ready for probably another two days. Turns out there is more damage to the door than expected and they are waiting for the part.

Really? No bothered to call and tell me. I was livid and had to keep reminding myself that this guy was not the guy that lied to me, forgot about me, kept me in the dark….but there is such a fine line between simple and felonious assault.

He said he will give me a $40 gift card. That’s all well and good, but I want MY car back. THIS IS OKLAHOMA. THIS IS TORNADO SEASON. If I get sucked into another one, save the hand of God AGAIN, I will most certainly be killed. A Nissan Versa will NOT survive. I want my SUV back.

It would have been one thing had ANYONE from Precision call and let me know there was more damage and would take more time to repair. I wouldn’t have put gas in the car today. Twice.

So if you choose to do business with Precision Hail X-Perts make sure you deal with the owner. I’m not sayiing they don’t do good work; I don’t know because I still haven’t seen my car, but my patience is done.

I’ve had the worst seven days and the most blessed seven days. Blessed because God could have taken me. Worst because between the damage, stress, and now being diagnosed with gout in my fingers (at 31 and NO I don’t drink OR eat chocolate for that matter)….I think I’ve had enough.

Okie Card Revocation

I would like to let you all know that my Okie card will be revoked.  You see…even though I literally drove through not one but two tornadoes and lived to tell about it….I made a fatal Okie mistake.  I didn’t take a picture.

I would like to think it is because I’m smarter than most, but apparently my mother adopted me and I was born in another state. 

Major hail damage to my car (that’s what happens when you get pelted with baseball sized hail).  The first tornado picked me up, slung me across on coming traffic and landed me in a ditch.  The scariest part was when I was in on coming traffic and a truck coming at me was picked up and went across the other way.  I thought for sure I was a goner. 

I prayed so much that I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesus is now deaf. 

I can assure you that I should NOT have walked away from that one….let alone the second one in Norman at Hwy 9 and 77 where all the light posts, power poles, and power lines fell.  I even saw a truck (might have been an SUV, but I couldn’t see the end of it) teetering from Hwy 9 pointing down toward 77 (where I was stuck for a while).

I didn’t get blown around much in that one.  When I got to Nana Beachy’s house where my husband, children, and dog were taking shelter I was promptly tackled by both sons, my niece, and almost drowned in dog slobber.  They couldn’t get a hold of me because of the weather (cell towers down) and Almost Prince Charming had gone out looking for me.  Eventually got a hold of him.

Our electricity just came back on.  My insurance company can’t decide if should be considered an auto accident (though I hit no cars and no cars hit me) or a catastrophic event.  They wanted me to wait 48 hours for their medical team to call me to get checked out.  I went today.  I couldn’t go last night or I would have right after the first go round.  My phone wouldn’t dial out.

My car is still in driving condition (believe it or not!) and my only injuries are a strained neck and strained back. 

Yesterday was brought to you by the letter M….not for Monday…but for MIRACLE!

God definitely had His hand on me.

In honor of our first round of 2009 tornadoes…

I present to you the Gary England Drinking Game by Canada and Moose (whoever they are….but we do thank you!).

Pregame –

1. Everyone selects a storm chaser other than Val Caster. Every time Gary talks to your storm chaser, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your storm chaser. Take four drinks if you storm chaser says “tornado on the ground”.

2. Everyone selects a county other than Pottawatomie County. Every time Gary mentions your county, you take one drink. Take two drinks every time we see footage from your county. Take four drinks if a tornado touches down in your county.

One Drink –

1. Take one drink every time Gary says the following:

hook echo| updraft | metro| doppler radar| wall cloud| ranger 9| underground| mobile home

2. When Gary gives a list of counties, take one drink for every county on the list.

3. Take one drink every time Gary interrupts a program. Take one drink if Gary says, “You’re not missing any of [program name].” Take one drink when Gary says, “We’ll keep you advised.”

Two Drinks –

1. Take two drinks every time Gary says the following:

baseball sized hail| waterloo road| Pottawatomie county| Deer Creek high school

2. Take two drinks every time Gary mentions the following towns:

Altus| Burns Flats| Dill City| Gotebo| Hydro| Lookeba| Meeker| Mulhall| Oktaha| Olustee| Shattuck| Slaughtersville| Tryon| Vici| Waukomis| Wayne or Payne| Weleetka| Wetumkah

3. Take two drinks every time Gary talks to Val Caster.

Three Drinks –

1. Take three drinks if we see footage from Val Caster.

2. Take three drinks if we see footage from Pottawatomie County.

3. Take three drinks if Gary mentions the following:

Immediate tornado precautions| National Weather Service| Mesocyclone| Portable radio| Take shelter| Tornado warning in effect until….

Four Drinks –

1. Take four drinks if Ranger 9 must land to refuel.

2. Take four drinks if Gary issues his own tornado warning, not recognized by the NWS or says the following: “Will someone please answer that phone?” “Do you see the power flashes?!”

3. Take for drinks if a shirt-less tornado victim is interviewed.

Finish your drink –

1. Finish your drink if someone uses the word tornado as a verb or if Gary mentions the nearest cross streets to you.

2. If Gary says, “We’ve lost Val,” pour a little out for your homies and finish your drink.