Archive for random

The ideal man

Since my marriage pretty much blew up in my face I’ve decided to be more careful in my selection of qualities in the opposite sex.  That is to say…IF I ever get involved with anyone again.

Some of these are in jest and some of them are serious.

1. Must be financially secure. I’m not necessarily looking for someone to take care of me, but I’m getting too old for broke people.

2. Can’t have his head up his ass.  Must know what he wants and how to get it.

3. Must be kind.

4. Must be moderately attractive. Let’s face it – personality is a lot in a relationship, but you still need to be attracted to the person.

5. (Special request) Must not try to parent MY kids.  Mine.  I gave birth to them so I’m the only person who gets to nag them to death.

6. Not counting children (duh)….must put ME first.  See – that’s what happens when you get put last all the time.  It makes you selfish.

7. I’m the princess and that’s that.

8. Must like reading….and maybe even writing.

And I’m sure I’ll add to the list.



Heavy Thoughts

My mind is incredibly burdened as of late.  I haven’t talked about this much, but I know part of what I am feeling is probably natural.  Yet I’ve never really felt “up in the air” at any point of my 33 years.  I’m generally a very focused, goal oriented girl.  However, I’ve found myself doubting my ability to make sound decisions. 

My biggest concerns are dating and school. 

Let’s start with the dating.  I have several potential suitors.  I can nit pick something wrong with every single one of them.  Frankly, I am not all that interested in dating.  Yet at the same time, I am completely enamoured by the concept.  I definitely don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life, but I don’t really want to play the dating game; particularly since I have two boys to worry about.  Let’s say, though, I could keep the two areas completely separate….is it really fair to the men or to me to not know exactly what I want?  I know what a lot of people are thinking….it’s just dinner or a movie so what’s the harm?  The harm is that I feel like no matter which way I turn, I’m making a poor choice.  I like the attention, but I don’t really want to get involved…particularly when there’s emotional baggage involved (on either end of the spectrum).

Then there’s school.  I’m a serial Master’s student.  I took a LOA this term and I honestly didn’t plan on going back.  I’ve had a whirlwind of things happen and it made it hard to focus on school.  I could theoretically set aside time in the morning before work to do any assignments.  The rational part of me dreads school.  I’m a single mom now and I get tired easily.  On the other hand, I just don’t feel like I’ve accomplished much without doing it.  That’s not to say I haven’t.  I was the first person in my family to finish high school and I was the first and only grandchild to finish college.  I finished college with a 3.8 while working full time, being married, and raising kids.  That says something about my very core.  I’m driven to succeed.  That drive, though, wears me out mentally.  Mental exhaustion doesn’t help the physical exhaustion I often feel.  Last night I went to bed at 8 pm.  In my defense, I was coming off the stomach flu. 

Then there is work.  I should be looking for something that pays more than the $9 an hour I am making.  I am a college graduate after all, but I know a guy at work (in the call center I work in) that has his BS in Engineering.  He chooses to keep this job because it does pay out in bonuses.  My adherence for the month is shot so that’s one bonus I won’t be getting.  I should get some of my bonus for performance.  I had a lot of instances I could have offered balance transfers to make money today, but I didn’t pursue it.  I really don’t know why.  The job is easy, the pay is decent, and it’s relatively stress free.  Hell, today I had two guys tell me I must be beautiful from the sound of my voice.  I have a calming effect on people when they hear me.  Out of the six weeks I’ve been there I’ve only been yelled at once.  That was today.  To illustrate how simple my job is – I crochet between calls, have two coloring books, and two puzzle books.  I’m all for the low stress environment.  I actually look forward to going to work every day.  I don’t think many people can say that.  There is room for advancement, but you don’t get as many bonuses and the pay is only .50 cents more per hour. 

I owe it to my kids to make sound, informed decisions.  Right now that stands as little to no dating, no school, and keeping my current job.  Yet – here I sit double guessing decisions I haven’t even made.  I prayed tonight (as I pray every night) and specifically asked for divine wisdom because I’m tired of thinking on my own.  I need guidance and I really don’t have anyone that is going to say something other than, “It’s your decision.”  I respect that it’s my decision….or decisions.  Is it too much to ask for a little feedback? 

On a lighter note, I plan on finishing the viking helmet this weekend.


To sleep or not to sleep…that is the question.

Almost Prince Charming took the boys swimming.  My ear and jaw hurt which is a clear sign of sinus issues coming.  I’m ahead of where I should be for week three of grad school.  I have one more paper to write and I will do that tomorrow during lunch.  I suffered through watched Karated Kid (the new one).  Will Smith’s kid is cute…and I wanted to see it.  I had an open mind.  It really let me down.  Monkey Butt really liked it.

Stressful day.  So I will just end this post with Error 404: Wit not found.

You know…

This is just going to be a total post of randomness…

1.  When you go to bed at midnight and you are up by four because of anxiety…and by six you have taken almost of your daily alloted amount of anti-anxiety medication…you might bei n for a rough day.  Just sayin’.  Of course it didn’t help when I got up and found my 11 year old still on the computer.  I am telling yall…  Mama is going to have to lay the smack down today.  Not my favorite thing to do on Mother’s Day.  Smack Down numero uno – no more than one hour per day on the computer on a school day.  No more than two hours per day on the computer on a non-school day.  I’m usually pretty lenient on weekends about bed times.  From now on – in bed by 1:00 AM on a non-school night that does not require morning wake up. 

2.  I bit the bullet.  I am taking the plunge.  I’ve made my decision.  I’ve staked my claim.  I’ve drawn a line in the sand.  I won’t be afraid…wait – wrong thought.  You won’t even understand that if you aren’t Pentecostal.  Anyhoo…I start my Master’s Degree in June. 

3.  I am still really feeling the pull to do something for kids that grew up like me.  I want to work on advocacy for young teen mothers (or mothers in their late teens…or mothers with no parenting skills – high risk parents).  I’ve been googling info on forming a non-profit.  I don’t want to provide JUST material needs.  We have organizations that do that.  There’s a great one in OKC (Infant Crisis Center).  I want to work WITH the mothers to make them the best mothers they didn’t think they could be.  The issue?  I’m really not sure where to start.  I know what I want to do, but I’m not sure how to go about doing it.

4.  I’m being stared down by a 26 lb mountain lion orange cat.  He’s intent on making sure he has mama’s attention.  I still don’t get how such a huge tom cat can have such a small head.

Welcome back boys and girls

How do you like my new digs?

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